It’s about life: the fight for liberty will always be a better fate than peaceful acceptance of socialism.
This is about how I want to live my life – my choice – what could be better?
This is the fight against those who don’t want individuals to be able to think things like this for themselves but rather to fall in line, perform their prescribed role and be taken care of.
It’s about who owns you.
It’s about saying “no” to those with a will to rule the rest of us.
This is about putting philosophy in motion.
This is the fight for the liberal west – prosecuted one determined individual at a time.
This is about taking a stand against those who peek over each other’s hedges, against the busy-bodies, against those who want to direct it all on micro and macro scales.
This is about rejecting condescension, authoritarianism, and incitement for a freer, more open, prosperous and broader American future.
This is about saying “no” to those who would control our schools, our speech, our media, our government, our choices.
This is about filling my lungs with liberty so that all of my exhalations are honest.
This is about affirming that science serves man rather than directing him.
It’s about rejecting a dismal world view of confinement, central direction and a mechanical humanity and exchanging this for broader horizons and limitless potential.
It’s about showing that each one person can make a difference – can still stand against the will of the collective.
It’s the fight against those who don’t want individuals to be able to think things like this for themselves but rather to fall in line, perform their prescribed role and be taken care of.
This is about showing that exercise and immersion in nature and following one’s own ambition will always be better than compliance.
It’s about not letting the left assign me an identity.
This is a rejection of mandatory fear, induced depression and imposed limits.